Blob Blame History Raw
diff -up src/bin/sage.orig src/bin/sage
--- src/bin/sage.orig	2021-08-22 02:44:33.000000000 -0600
+++ src/bin/sage	2021-08-26 13:09:38.262699484 -0600
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ usage() {
     echo "  --gap [...]         -- run Sage's Gap with given arguments"
     echo "  --gp [...]          -- run Sage's PARI/GP calculator with given arguments"
     echo "  -h                  -- print this help message"
-    echo "  --pip [...]         -- invoke pip, the Python package manager"
     echo "  --maxima [...]      -- run Sage's Maxima with given arguments"
     echo "  --mwrank [...]      -- run Sage's mwrank with given arguments"
     echo "  --notebook=[...]    -- start the Sage notebook (valid options are"
@@ -160,111 +159,6 @@ if [ -f "${SELF}-env-config" ]; then
-# Special options to be processed without sage-env
-# Check for '--nodotsage' before sourcing sage-env; otherwise sage-env
-# will already have set some environment variables with the old
-# setting for DOT_SAGE.
-if [ "$1" = '--nodotsage' ]; then
-    export DOT_SAGE=`mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/dotsageXXXXXX`
-    shift
-    command "${SELF}" "$@"
-    status=$?
-    rm -rf "$DOT_SAGE"
-    exit $status
-# Check for '--patchbot' before sourcing sage-env: patchbot needs
-# an unclobbered environment before testing unsafe tickets.
-if [ "$1" = '-patchbot' -o "$1" = "--patchbot" ]; then
-    shift
-    # We ask the Python from Sage where the patchbot is installed.
-    # We set PYTHONPATH to that directory such that the system Python
-    # should also find the sage_patchbot package.
-    cmd='import sage_patchbot as p; import os; print(os.path.dirname(p.__path__[0]))'
-    export PYTHONPATH=`"$SAGE_ROOT/sage" --python3 -c "$cmd"`
-    if [ -z "$PYTHONPATH" ]; then
-        # Something went wrong, assume that the patchbot is not installed
-        echo >&2 "Error: cannot find installation path for sage_patchbot"
-        echo >&2 "See for instructions"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    shopt -s execfail  # Do not exit if "exec" fails
-    exec python3 -m sage_patchbot.patchbot "$@"
-    echo >&2 "Error: cannot find a suitable Python 3 program."
-    echo >&2 "The SageMath patchbot requires a system Python 3 installation."
-    exit 127
-# Check for '-i' before sourcing sage-env: running "make"
-# should be run outside of the Sage shell.
-if [ "$1" = '-f' ]; then
-    # -f is an alias for -i -f
-    set -- -i "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-i' ]; then
-    shift
-    if [ -z "$MAKE" ]; then
-        MAKE="make"
-    fi
-    set -e
-    cd "$SAGE_ROOT"
-    # Parse options
-    PACKAGES=""         # Packages to install
-    INSTALL_OPTIONS=""  # Options to sage-spkg
-    for OPT in "$@"; do
-        case "$OPT" in
-            -info|--info)
-                echo >&2 "Error: 'sage -i $OPT <package>' is no longer supported, use 'sage --info <package>' instead."
-                exit 2;;
-            -f) FORCE_INSTALL=yes;;
-            # Setting SAGE_CHECK here duplicates what we do in sage-spkg
-            # but we need it in "make" already when there are (order-only)
-            # dependencies on packages providing test infrastructure
-            -c) INSTALL_OPTIONS="$INSTALL_OPTIONS $OPT"; export SAGE_CHECK=yes;;
-            -w) INSTALL_OPTIONS="$INSTALL_OPTIONS $OPT"; export SAGE_CHECK=warn;;
-            *) PACKAGES="$PACKAGES $OPT";;
-        esac
-    done
-    # First, uninstall the packages if -f was given
-    if [ "$FORCE_INSTALL" = yes ]; then
-        for PKG in $PACKAGES; do
-            $MAKE "$PKG-clean" || true  # Ignore errors
-        done
-    fi
-    # Make sure that the toolchain is up-to-date
-    # (which is a dependency of every package)
-    $MAKE all-toolchain
-    ALL_TARGETS="$($MAKE list 2>/dev/null)"
-    # Now install the packages
-    for PKG in $PACKAGES; do
-        echo
-        # Check that $PKG is actually a Makefile target
-        # See
-        if ! echo "$ALL_TARGETS" | grep "^${PKG}$" >/dev/null; then
-            echo >&2 "Error: package '$PKG' not found"
-            echo >&2 "Note: if it is an old-style package, installing these is no longer supported"
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        $MAKE SAGE_SPKG="sage-spkg $INSTALL_OPTIONS" "$PKG"
-    done
-    echo "New packages may have been installed."
-    echo "Re-running configure and make in case any dependent packages need updating."
-    touch "$SAGE_ROOT/configure" && $MAKE all-build
-    exit 0
 # Report information about the Sage environment
@@ -309,20 +203,6 @@ fi
 # Prepare for running Sage, either interactively or non-interactively.
 sage_setup() {
-    # Check that we're not in a source tarball which hasn't been built yet (#13561).
-    if [ "$SAGE_SRC_ENV_CONFIG" = 1 ] && [ ! -z "$SAGE_VENV" ] && [ ! -x "$SAGE_VENV/bin/sage" ]; then
-        echo >&2 '************************************************************************'
-        echo >&2 'It seems that you are attempting to run Sage from an unpacked source'
-        echo >&2 'tarball, but you have not compiled it yet (or maybe the build has not'
-        echo >&2 'finished). You should run `make` in the Sage root directory first.'
-        echo >&2 'If you did not intend to build Sage from source, you should download'
-        echo >&2 'a binary tarball instead. Read README.txt for more information.'
-        echo >&2 '************************************************************************'
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    maybe_sage_location
     if [ ! -d "$IPYTHONDIR" ]; then
         # make sure that $DOT_SAGE exists so that ipython will happily
         # create its config directories there.  If DOT_SAGE doesn't
@@ -333,20 +213,6 @@ sage_setup() {
-# Check to see if the whole Sage install tree has moved.  If so,
-# change various hardcoded paths.  Skip this if we don't have write
-# access to $SAGE_LOCAL (e.g. when running as a different user) or
-# if Python and sage-location haven't been installed yet.
-    if [ -n "$SAGE_LOCAL" -a -w "$SAGE_LOCAL" ]; then
-        if [ -x "$SAGE_VENV/bin/python" ] && [ -x "$SAGE_VENV/bin/sage-location" ]; then
-            sage-location || exit $?
-        fi
-    fi
 # Start an interactive Sage session, this function never returns.
 interactive_sage() {
@@ -384,8 +250,6 @@ usage_advanced() {
     echo "  --nodotsage         -- run Sage without using the user's"
     echo "                         .sage directory: create and use a temporary"
     echo "                         .sage directory instead."
-    echo "  --gthread, --qthread, --q4thread, --wthread, --pylab"
-    echo "                      -- pass the option through to IPython"
     echo "  --simple-prompt     -- pass the option through to IPython: use"
     echo "                         this option with sage-shell mode in emacs"
     if [ -n "$SAGE_SRC" -a -d "$SAGE_SRC" ]; then
@@ -419,18 +283,9 @@ usage_advanced() {
     echo "                         environment (not Sage), passing additional"
     echo "                         additional options to IPython"
     echo "  --jupyter [...]     -- run Sage's Jupyter with given arguments"
-    echo "  --kash [...]        -- run Sage's Kash with the given arguments"
-    command -v kash &>/dev/null || \
-    echo "                         (not installed currently, run sage -i kash)"
-    echo "  --M2 [...]          -- run Sage's Macaulay2 with the given arguments"
-    command -v M2 &>/dev/null || \
-    echo "                         (not installed currently, run sage -i macaulay2)"
     echo "  --maxima [...]      -- run Sage's Maxima with the given arguments"
     echo "  --mwrank [...]      -- run Sage's mwrank with the given arguments"
-    echo "  --pip [...]         -- invoke pip, the Python package manager"
     echo "  --polymake [...]    -- run Sage's Polymake with given arguments"
-    command -v polymake &>/dev/null || \
-    echo "                         (not installed currently, run sage -i polymake)"
     echo "  --python [...], --python3 [...]"
     echo "                      -- run the Python 3 interpreter"
     echo "  -R [...]            -- run Sage's R with the given arguments"
@@ -677,11 +532,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-lisp' -o "$1" = '--lisp' ]
     exec ecl "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-kash' -o "$1" = '--kash' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec kash "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-maxima' -o "$1" = '--maxima' ]; then
     maxima_cmd=$(sage-config MAXIMA 2>/dev/null)
@@ -706,11 +556,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-R' -o "$1" = '--R' ]; then
     exec R "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-git' -o "$1" = '--git' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec git "$@"
 # sage --sh and sage --buildsh
@@ -877,11 +722,6 @@ fi
 # build_sage, sage -b, sage -br, etc. could be moved to
 # build/bin/sage-site. See #29111.
-build_sage() {
-    maybe_sage_location
-    ( cd "$SAGE_ROOT/build/make" && ./install sagelib-no-deps ) || exit $?
 if [[ "$1" =~ ^--notebook=.* || "$1" =~ ^-n=.* || "$1" =~ ^-notebook=.* ]] ; then
     sage-cleaner &>/dev/null &
     exec sage-notebook "$@"
@@ -892,13 +732,6 @@ if [ "$1" = "-notebook" -o "$1" = '--not
     exec sage-notebook "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-bn" -o "$1" = "--build-and-notebook" ]; then
-    shift
-    build_sage
-    sage-cleaner &>/dev/null &
-    exec sage-notebook --notebook=default "$@"
 if [ -n "$SAGE_SRC" -a -d "$SAGE_SRC" ]; then
     # Source inspection facilities, supported on sage-the-distribution and on distributions
     # that package the Sage sources.
@@ -915,46 +748,18 @@ if [ -n "$SAGE_SRC" -a -d "$SAGE_SRC" ];
-if [ "$1" = '-b' ]; then
-    build_sage
-    exit $?
-if [ "$1" = '-br' -o "$1" = "--br" ]; then
-    build_sage
-    interactive_sage
 if [ "$1" = '-r' ]; then
-if [ "$1" = '-ba-force' -o "$1" = '--ba-force' ]; then
-    echo
-    echo "WARNING: 'sage --ba-force' is deprecated; use 'sage -ba' instead."
-    echo
-    ( cd "$SAGE_ROOT/build/make" && make sagelib-clean )
-    build_sage
-    exit $?
-if [ "$1" = '-ba' ]; then
-    ( cd "$SAGE_ROOT/build/make" && make sagelib-clean )
-    build_sage
-    exit $?
 exec-runtests() {
     export PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8"  # Fix encoding for doctests
     exec sage-runtests "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1" = '-tp' -o "$1" = '-btp' ]; then
-    if [ "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1" = '-btp' ]; then
-        build_sage
-    fi
+if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-tp' ]; then
     if [ "$1" = '-tp' -o "$1" = '-btp' ]; then
         exec-runtests -p "$@"
@@ -964,34 +769,11 @@ if [ "$1" = '-t' -o "$1" = '-bt' -o "$1"
-if [ "$1" = '-tnew' -o "$1" = '-btnew' ]; then
-    if [ "$1" = '-btnew' ]; then
-        build_sage
-    fi
-    shift
-    exec-runtests --new "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-testall' -o "$1" = "--testall" ]; then
     exec-runtests -a "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-fixdoctests' -o "$1" = '--fixdoctests' ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-fixdoctests "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-coverage" -o "$1" = "--coverage" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-coverage "$@"
-if [ "$1" = "-coverageall" -o "$1" = "--coverageall" ]; then
-    shift
-    exec sage-coverage --all "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-startuptime' -o "$1" = '--startuptime' ]; then
     exec "$@"
@@ -1014,59 +796,11 @@ fi
 # Creating and handling Sage distributions
-# The following could be moved to build/bin/sage-site. See #29111.
-if [ "$1" = '--location' ]; then
-    maybe_sage_location
-    exit 0
-install() {
-    maybe_sage_location
-    for PKG in "$@"
-    do
-        # Check for options
-        case "$PKG" in
-            -*)
-                continue;;
-        esac
-        PKG_NAME=`echo "$PKG" | sed -e "s/\.spkg$//"`
-        PKG_NAME=`basename "$PKG_NAME"`
-        sage-logger \
-            "sage-spkg $INSTALL_OPTIONS '$PKG'" "$SAGE_LOGS/$PKG_NAME.log"
-        # Do not try to install further packages if one failed
-        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-            exit 1
-        fi
-    done
-    exit 0
 if [ "$1" = '-installed' -o "$1" = "--installed" ]; then
     exec sage-list-packages all --installed-only $@
-if [ "$1" = '-p' ]; then
-    shift
-    # If there are no further arguments, display usage help.
-    if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-        exec sage-spkg
-    fi
-    install "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-sdist' -o "$1" = "--sdist" ]; then
-    maybe_sage_location
-    shift
-    exec sage-sdist "$@"
 # Debugging tools
@@ -1110,12 +844,6 @@ if [ "$1" = '-callgrind' -o "$1" = "--ca
     exec sage-callgrind "$@"
-if [ "$1" = '-omega' -o "$1" = "--omega" ]; then
-    shift
-    sage_setup
-    exec sage-omega "$@"
 if [ "$1" = '-gthread' -o "$1" = '-qthread' -o "$1" = '-q4thread' -o "$1" = '-wthread' -o "$1" = '-pylab' -o "$1" = '--simple-prompt' -o "$1" = '-simple-prompt' ]; then
     # Intentionally no "shift" here
     interactive_sage "$@"