Blob Blame History Raw
# of a system package
%global __provides_exclude_from	.*/site-packages/.*\\.so

# for quicker test with packages not yet in fedora
%global packager_debug		0

# for quicker fedora-review tests without downloading the main tarball
%global download_tarball	0

# not functional due to missing jar dependencies
%global with_sage3d		0

# use an workaround to match upstream sagemath patched sphinx
%global with_sphinx_hack	1

# sagemath works only with pexpect-2.0
%global with_sage_pexpect	1

%global have_lrcalc		%{packager_debug}

# Cbc dependency under review is as follow:
#  first need coin-or-CoinUtils
#  then coin-or-Osi (that requires coin-or-CoinUtils)
#  then coin-or-Clp (that requires coin-or-Osi)
# then coin-or-Cgl (that requires coin-or-Clp)
# and finally coin-or-Cbc (that requires coin-or-Cgl)
# other coin-or-* packages under review are not required by sagemath
# but are required to have the "basic" set of coin-or packages
%global have_coin_or_Cbc	%{packager_debug}

%global have_libgap		0

%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
%global have_fes		%{packager_debug}
%global have_fes		0

# set to run sage -testall in %%install
%global with_check		0
%global SAGE_TIMEOUT		60

%global conway_polynomials_pkg	conway_polynomials-0.4.p0
%global	elliptic_curves_pkg	elliptic_curves-0.7
%global	flintqs_pkg		flintqs-20070817.p8
%global graphs_pkg		graphs-20120404.p4
%global pexpect_pkg		pexpect-2.0.p5
%global polytopes_db_pkg	polytopes_db-20100210.p2
%global rubiks_pkg		rubiks-20070912.p18
%global	sagenb_pkg		sagenb-0.10.4
%global sagetex_pkg		sagetex-2.3.3.p2

%global sagemath_share		%{_datadir}/%{name}

%global SAGE_ROOT		%{_libdir}/sagemath
%global SAGE_LOCAL		%{SAGE_ROOT}/local
%global SAGE_DEVEL		%{SAGE_ROOT}/devel
%global SAGE_DOC		%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
%global SAGE_SHARE		%{_datadir}/sagemath
%global SAGE_EXTCODE		%{SAGE_SHARE}/extcode
%global SAGE_PYTHONPATH		%{SAGE_ROOT}/site-packages

Name:		sagemath
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Summary:	A free open-source mathematics software system
Version:	5.8
Release:	9%{?dist}
# The file ${SAGE_ROOT}/COPYING.txt is the upstream license breakdown file
# Additionally, every $files section has a comment with the license name
# before files with that license
License:	ASL 2.0 and BSD and GPL+ and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and MIT and Public Domain
%if %{download_tarball}
Source0:	sage-%{version}.tar
Source1:	gprc.expect
Source2:	makecmds.sty
# not installed by jmol package, use one in sagemath jmol spkg
Source3:	Jmol.js
Source4:	JmolHelp.html
# from jmol-12.3.27.p2 spkg

# 1. scons ignores most environment variables
# 2. scons 2.2* does not have soname support (expected for scons 2.3*)
# This patch adds some regex substition templates for CFLAGS, etc, and
# minor adaptation from full scons patch at:
# Discussed at:
Patch0:		%{name}-scons.patch

# Upstream uses mpir not gmp, but the rpm package is tailored to use gmp
Patch1:		%{name}-gmp.patch

# Set of patches to work with system wide packages
Patch2:		%{name}-scripts.patch

# Adapt to ntl 6.0.0.
Patch3:		%{name}-ntl6.patch

# remove call to not implemented sagemath "is_package_installed" interfaces
# need to package coin-or solver in fedora
# remove check for non free solvers
Patch4:		%{name}-extensions.patch

# helper to:
#	o respect a DESTDIR environment variable
#	o avoid double '//' in pathnames, what can confused debugedit & co
#	o minor change to help in incremental builds by avoiding rebuilding
#	  files
#	o do not assume there is an installed sagemath
Patch5:		%{name}-rpmbuild.patch

# avoid buildroot in some binaries due to not expanding symlinks
Patch6:		%{name}-buildroot.patch

# build documentation in buildroot environment
Patch7:		%{name}-sagedoc.patch

# sage notebook rpm and system environment adjustments
Patch8:		%{name}-sagenb.patch

# do not attempt to create state files in system directories
Patch9:		%{name}-readonly.patch

# force coercion of ecl t_string to ecl t_base_string
# this is hackish and only required if ecl is built with unicode support
Patch10:	%{name}-ecl-unicode.patch

# do not link explicitly to png12
Patch11:	%{name}-png.patch

# work with all maxima-runtime lisp backend packages
Patch12:	%{name}-maxima.patch

# execute 4ti2 programs in $PATH not in $SAGE_ROOT/local/bin
Patch13:	%{name}-4ti2.patch

Patch14:	%{name}-pari.patch

# in fedora 18 it was updated to latest fplll
Patch15:	%{name}-fplll.patch

# Portuguese translations:
Patch16:	trac_12502_pt_translation_of_a_tour_of_sage_rebase1.patch
Patch17:	trac_12822_pt_translation_of_tutorial.patch
Patch18:	trac_12822_pt_translation_of_tutorial_rev1.patch

# wrappers for distros with libmpc 0.9
Patch19:	%{name}-libmpc.patch

# use jmol itself to export preview images
# FIXME besides not using X and told so, fails if DISPLAY is not set
Patch20:	%{name}-jmol.patch

# adapt for maxima 5.29.1 package
Patch21:	%{name}-maxima.system.patch

# only cremona mini database built and installed
# FIXME add a package with the full cremona database
# FIXME actually it should be already available in pari-elldata
Patch22:	%{name}-cremona.patch

# lrslib is a requires
Patch23:	%{name}-lrslib.patch

# nauty cannot be packaged due to license restrictions
Patch24:	%{name}-nauty.patch

# gap hap package not (yet) available
Patch25:	%{name}-gap-hap.patch

# Patch to enable lrcalc once review request is done in Fedora
Patch26:	%{name}-lrcalc.patch

# Patch to enable cbc once review requests are done in Fedora
Patch27:	%{name}-cbc.patch

# Patch to enable libgap once review request is done in Fedora
Patch28:	%{name}-libgap.patch

# Patch to disable libgap because it is not optional by default
Patch29:	%{name}-nolibgap.patch

# Patch to enable fes once review requests are done in Fedora
Patch30:	%{name}-fes.patch

# Get package to build with known problem if not yet updated to pari 2.6.
Patch31:	%{name}-nopari2.6.patch

# sagemath 5.8 (optionally) requires cryptominisat 2.9.6 (in rawhide)
# and does not work with cryptominisat 2.9.5 (in f18)
Patch32:	%{name}-cryptominisat.patch

# Upgrade to Cython 0.19
Patch33:	14452_cython_0.19.patch

# Adapt to m4rie 20130416
Patch34:	%{name}-m4rie.patch

BuildRequires:	4ti2
BuildRequires:	atlas-devel
BuildRequires:	cddlib-tools
BuildRequires:	cliquer-devel
%if %{have_coin_or_Cbc}
BuildRequires:	coin-or-Cbc-devel
BuildRequires:	cryptominisat-devel
BuildRequires:	Cython
BuildRequires:	desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:	dos2unix
BuildRequires:	dvipng
BuildRequires:	ecl
BuildRequires:	eclib-devel
BuildRequires:	factory-devel
%if %{have_fes}
BuildRequires:	fes-devel
BuildRequires:	flint-devel
BuildRequires:	gmp-ecm-devel
BuildRequires:	gap
BuildRequires:	GAPDoc
BuildRequires:	gap-character-tables
BuildRequires:	gap-prim-groups
BuildRequires:	gap-small-groups
BuildRequires:	gap-sonata
BuildRequires:	gap-table-of-marks
BuildRequires:	gap-trans-groups
BuildRequires:	gc-devel
BuildRequires:	gd-devel
BuildRequires:	gfan
BuildRequires:	glpk-devel
BuildRequires:	gnutls-devel
BuildRequires:	gsl-devel
BuildRequires:	iml-devel
BuildRequires:	L-function-devel
BuildRequires:	libfac-devel
BuildRequires:	libfplll-devel
%if %{have_libgap}
BuildRequires:	libgap-devel
BuildRequires:	libmpc-devel
BuildRequires:	linbox-devel
%if %{have_lrcalc}
BuildRequires:	lrcalc-devel
BuildRequires:	m4ri-devel
BuildRequires:	m4rie-devel
BuildRequires:	maxima-runtime-ecl
BuildRequires:	mpfi-devel
BuildRequires:	ntl-devel
BuildRequires:	numpy
BuildRequires:	palp
BuildRequires:	pari-devel
BuildRequires:	pari-gp
BuildRequires:	ppl-devel
BuildRequires:	pynac-devel
BuildRequires:	python2-devel
BuildRequires:	python-flask-autoindex
BuildRequires:	python-flask-babel
BuildRequires:	python-flask-openid
BuildRequires:	python-flask-silk
BuildRequires:	python-ipython
BuildRequires:	python-matplotlib
BuildRequires:	python-networkx
BuildRequires:	python-twisted-web
BuildRequires:	python-twisted-web2
BuildRequires:	polybori-devel
BuildRequires:	R
BuildRequires:	ratpoints-devel
BuildRequires:	readline-devel
%if 0%{?fedora} > 18
BuildRequires:	rpy
BuildRequires:	scons
BuildRequires:	Singular-devel
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
BuildRequires:	stix-math-fonts
BuildRequires:	stix-fonts
BuildRequires:	sympow
BuildRequires:	sympy
BuildRequires:	symmetrica-devel
BuildRequires:	texlive

Requires:	4ti2
Requires:	apache-commons-cli
Requires:	cddlib-tools
Requires:	Cython
Requires:	ecl
Requires:	firefox
Requires:	gap
Requires:	GAPDoc
Requires:	gap-character-tables
Requires:	gap-prim-groups
Requires:	gap-small-groups
Requires:	gap-sonata
Requires:	gap-table-of-marks
Requires:	gap-trans-groups
Requires:	genus2reduction
Requires:	gfan
Requires:	gmp-ecm
Requires:	jmol
Requires:	jsmath-fonts
Requires:	lrslib-utils
Requires:	maxima-gui
Requires:	maxima-runtime-ecl
Requires:	palp
Requires:	pari-gp
Requires:	python-crypto
Requires:	python-cvxopt
Requires:	python-flask-autoindex
Requires:	python-flask-babel
Requires:	python-flask-openid
Requires:	python-flask-silk
Requires:	python-ipython
Requires:	python-matplotlib
Requires:	python-networkx
Requires:	python-polybori
Requires:	python-twisted-web
Requires:	python-twisted-web2
Requires:	python-ZODB3
Requires:	R
Requires:	rpy
Requires:	%{name}-core
Requires:	%{name}-data
Requires:	%{name}-doc-en
Requires:	%{name}-notebook
Requires:	%{name}-rubiks
Requires:	%{name}-sagetex
Requires:	Singular
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
Requires:	stix-math-fonts
Requires:	stix-fonts
Requires:	sympow
Requires:	sympy
Requires:	tachyon
Requires:	texlive
Requires:	vecmath

Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed
under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source
packages into a common Python-based interface.

%package	core
Summary:	Open Source Mathematics Software
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description	core
This package contains the core sagemath python modules.

%package	data
Summary:	Databases and scripts for %{name}
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{name}-data-conway_polynomials = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{name}-data-elliptic_curves = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{name}-data-extcode = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{name}-data-graphs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	%{name}-data-polytopes_db = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data
Collection of databases and interface customization scripts for sagemath.

%package	data-conway_polynomials
Summary:	Conway Polynomials Database
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data-conway_polynomials
Small database of Conway polynomials for sagemath.

%package	data-elliptic_curves
Summary:	Databases of elliptic curves
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data-elliptic_curves
Includes two databases:

 * A small subset of the data in John Cremona's database of elliptic curves up
   to conductor 10000. See or

 * William Stein's database of interesting curves

%package	data-extcode
Summary:	Extcode for Sagemath
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data-extcode
Collection of scripts and interfaces to sagemath.

%package	data-graphs
Summary:	Sagemath database of graphs
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data-graphs
A database of graphs. Created by Emily Kirkman based on the work of Jason
Grout. Since April 2012 it also contains the ISGCI graph database.

%package	data-polytopes_db
Summary:	Lists of 2- and 3-dimensional reflexive polytopes
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}-data = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	data-polytopes_db
The list of polygons is quite easy to get and it has been known for a while.
The list of 3-polytopes was originally obtained by Maximilian Kreuzer and
Harald Skarke using their software PALP, which is included into the standard
distribution of Sage. To work with lattice and reflexive polytopes from Sage
you can use sage.geometry.lattice_polytope module, which relies on PALP for
some of its functionality. To get access to the databases of this package, use
ReflexivePolytope and ReflexivePolytopes commands.

%package	devel
Summary:	Development files for %{name}
Group:		Development/Libraries
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description	devel
This package contains the header files and development documentation
for %{name}.

%package	doc
Summary:	Documentation infrastructure files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc
This package contains the documentation infrastructure for %{name}.

%package	doc-de
Summary:	German documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-de
This package contains the German %{name} documentation.

%package	doc-en
Summary:	English documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-en
This package contains the English %{name} documentation.

%package	doc-fr
Summary:	French documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-fr
This package contains the French %{name} documentation.

%package	doc-pt
Summary:	Portuguese documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-pt
This package contains the Portuguese %{name} documentation.

%package	doc-ru
Summary:	Russian documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-ru
This package contains the Russian %{name} documentation.

%package	doc-tr
Summary:	Turkish documentation files for %{name}
Group:		Documentation
Requires:	%{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description	doc-tr
This package contains the Turkish %{name} documentation.

%package	notebook
Summary:	The Sage Notebook
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description	notebook
The Sage Notebook is a web-based graphical user interface for
mathematical software.

%package	rubiks
Summary:	Several programs for working with Rubik's cubes
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description	rubiks
Several programs for working with Rubik's cubes, by three  different people.
In summary the three contributors are:

Michael Reid (GPL)
    optimal - uses many pre-computed tables to find an optimal 
              solution to the 3x3x3 Rubik's cube

Dik T. Winter (MIT License)
    cube    - uses Kociemba's algorithm to iteratively find a short
              solution to the 3x3x3 Rubik's cube 
    size222 - solves a 2x2x2 Rubik's cube 

Eric Dietz (GPL)
    cu2   - A fast, non-optimal 2x2x2 solver
    cubex - A fast, non-optimal 3x3x3 solver
    mcube - A fast, non-optimal 4x4x4 solver

%package	sagetex
Summary:	Sagemath into LaTeX documents
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Requires:	%{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description	sagetex
This is the SageTeX package. It allows you to embed code, results of
computations, and plots from the Sage mathematics software suite
( into LaTeX documents.

%setup -q -n sage-%{version}

mkdir -p spkg/build
pushd spkg/build
    for pkg in					\
	%{conway_polynomials_pkg}		\
	%{elliptic_curves_pkg}			\
	extcode-%{version}			\
	%{flintqs_pkg}				\
	%{graphs_pkg}				\
%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
	%{pexpect_pkg}				\
	%{polytopes_db_pkg}			\
	%{rubiks_pkg}				\
	%{sagenb_pkg}				\
	%{sagetex_pkg}				\
	sage-%{version}				\
	sage_scripts-%{version}			\
    ; do
	tar jxf ../standard/$pkg.spkg

    # apply in spkgs that do not have patches already applied
    # or that actually have patches
pushd %{flintqs_pkg}/src
    for diff in `ls ../patches/*.patch`; do
	patch -p1 < $diff

pushd %{sagenb_pkg}/src
    tar zxf %{sagenb_pkg}.tar.gz
    mv  %{sagenb_pkg} sagenb

%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
    pushd %{pexpect_pkg}/src
	for diff in `ls ../patches/*.patch ../patches/*.diff`; do
	    patch -p1 < $diff
    pushd %{rubiks_pkg}
	cp patches/dietz-mcube-Makefile src/dietz/mcube/Makefile
	cp patches/dietz-solver-Makefile src/dietz/solver/Makefile
	cp patches/dietz-cu2-Makefile src/dietz/cu2/Makefile
	cp patches/reid-Makefile src/reid/Makefile

%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch14 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
%patch15 -p1

pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
mkdir -p doc/pt/a_tour_of_sage/
cp -fa doc/en/a_tour_of_sage/*.png doc/pt/a_tour_of_sage/
%patch16 -p1
%patch17 -p1
%patch18 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} <= 19
%patch19 -p1

%patch20 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
%patch21 -p1

%patch22 -p1
%patch23 -p1
%patch24 -p1
%patch25 -p1

%if %{have_lrcalc}
%patch26 -p1

# other coin-or packages are build requires or coin-or-Cbc
%if %{have_coin_or_Cbc}
%patch27 -p1

%if %{have_libgap}
%patch28 -p1
%patch29 -p1

%if %{have_fes}
%patch30 -p1

%patch31 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 19
%patch32 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 20
pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
%patch33 -p1

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 19
%patch34 -p1

# ensure proper/preferred libatlas is in linker path
pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
    perl -pi -e 's|^(extra_link_args = ).*|$1\["-L%{_libdir}/atlas"\]|;' sage/misc/
    # some .c files are not (re)generated
    find . \( -name \*.pyx -o -name \*.pxd \) | xargs touch

# remove bundled jar files before build
rm spkg/build/extcode-%{version}/notebook/java/3d/lib/sage3d.jar \

# remove binary egg
rm -r spkg/build/%{sagenb_pkg}/src/sagenb/sagenb.egg-info

export CFLAGS="%{optflags}"
export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"
export SAGE_ROOT=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_ROOT}
export SAGE_LOCAL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}
export SAGE_DEVEL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_DEVEL}
export SAGE_FORTRAN=%{_bindir}/gfortran
export SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB=`gfortran`
export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
# Use file in /tmp because there are issues with long pathnames
export DOT_SAGE=/tmp/sage$$
mkdir -p $DOT_SAGE/tmp

# match system packages as sagemath packages
export SAGE_ROOT=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_ROOT}
export SAGE_LOCAL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}
export SAGE_DEVEL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_DEVEL}
ln -sf $PWD/spkg/build/sage-%{version}/sage $SAGE_DEVEL/sage/sage
ln -sf %{_libdir} $SAGE_LOCAL/lib
ln -sf %{_includedir} $SAGE_LOCAL/include
ln -sf %{_datadir} $SAGE_LOCAL/share

export PATH=%{buildroot}%{_bindir}:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}:$PYTHONPATH

pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
    pushd c_lib
	# scons ignores most environment variables
	# and does not have soname support
	sed -e 's|@@includedir@@|%{_includedir}|g' \
	    -e 's|@@libdir@@|%{_libdir}|g' \
	    -e 's|@@optflags@@|%{optflags}|g' \
	    -e 's|@@__global_ldflags@@|%{__global_ldflags}|g' \
	    -i SConstruct
	CXX=g++ UNAME=Linux SAGE64=auto scons
	ln -s
    pushd sage/libs/mpmath
	dos2unix ext_impl.pxd ext_libmp.pyx ext_main.pxd ext_main.pyx
    python ./ build

pushd spkg/build/%{sagenb_pkg}/src/sagenb
    python ./ build

pushd spkg/build/%{flintqs_pkg}/src
    make %{?_smpflags} CPP="g++ %{optflags} -fPIC"

pushd spkg/build/%{rubiks_pkg}/src
    make %{?_smp_mflags} CC="gcc -fPIC" CXX="g++ -fPIC" CFLAGS="%{optflags}" CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"

# last build command
rm -fr $DOT_SAGE

export SAGE_ROOT=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_ROOT}
export SAGE_LOCAL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}
export SAGE_DEVEL=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_DEVEL}
export SAGE_SHARE=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_SHARE}
export SAGE_EXTCODE=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_EXTCODE}
export SAGE_DOC=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_libdir}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
export DOT_SAGE=/tmp/sage$$
mkdir -p $DOT_SAGE/tmp

export PATH=%{buildroot}%{_bindir}:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}:$PYTHONPATH

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
rm -fr $SAGE_DEVEL/sage $SAGE_LOCAL/{include,lib,share,notebook}
ln -sf $PWD/spkg/build/sage-%{version}/sage $SAGE_DEVEL/sage/sage
ln -sf %{_libdir} $SAGE_LOCAL/lib
ln -sf %{_includedir} $SAGE_LOCAL/include
ln -sf %{_datadir} $SAGE_LOCAL/share

pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
    python install --root=%{buildroot}
    cp -fa c_lib/ %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
    ln -sf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/
    pushd sage
	# install sage notebook templates
	cp -fa server/notebook/templates %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sage/server/notebook
    # install documentation sources
    rm -fr $SAGE_DOC/{common,en,fr}
    cp -far doc/{common,de,en,fr,pt,ru,tr} $SAGE_DOC

pushd spkg/build/%{sagenb_pkg}/src/sagenb
    rm -f %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/sage3d/sage3d
    python install --root=%{buildroot} --install-purelib=%{python_sitearch}
    install -p -m0755 %{SOURCE5} $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/
    # jmol
    rm -fr %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol
    mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol/appletweb
    pushd %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol
	cp -fa %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE4} appletweb
    # sage3d
    rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sage3d
%if %{with_sage3d}
    ln -sf %{SAGE_LOCAL}/bin/sage3d %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/sage3d/sage3d
    # flask stuff not installed
    cp -ar flask_version %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb
    ln -sf %{python_sitearch}/sagenb %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DEVEL}/sagenb

%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
pushd spkg/build/%{pexpect_pkg}/src
    cp -fa {ANSI,FSM,pexpect,pxssh,screen}.py $SAGE_PYTHONPATH

pushd spkg/build/sage_scripts-%{version}
    mkdir -p $SAGE_LOCAL/bin
    cp -fa sage-* * $SAGE_LOCAL/bin
    pushd $SAGE_LOCAL/bin
	ln -sf %{_bindir}/python sage.bin
	ln -sf %{_bindir}/gp sage_pari
	ln -sf %{_bindir}/gap gap_stamp
	ln -sf %{_bindir}/gmp-ecm ecm
install -p -m755 spkg/bin/sage $SAGE_LOCAL/bin

pushd spkg/build/%{flintqs_pkg}/src
    cp -fa QuadraticSieve $SAGE_LOCAL/bin

pushd spkg/build/%{rubiks_pkg}/src
    cp -fa \
	reid/optimal \
	dietz/solver/cubex \
	dietz/mcube/mcube \
	dietz/cu2/cu2 \
	dik/dikcube \
	dik/size222 \

rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/spkg-debian-maybe
pushd $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/
    rm -f sage-{bdist,build,build-debian,clone,crap,debsource,download_package,env,libdist,location,make_devel_packages,omega,pkg,pkg-nocompress,pull,push,sdist,sbuildhack,upgrade}
    rm -f sage-list-* sage-mirror* sage-test-*
    rm -f sage-{verify-pyc,hardcode_sage_root,check-64,spkg*,update*,starts}
    rm -f *~
    rm -f sage-{,ldwrap,open,osx-open,README-osx.txt}
    rm -f
    rm -f sage-{combinat,massif}

pushd spkg/build/%{conway_polynomials_pkg}
    %__python2 ./spkg-install

pushd spkg/build/%{elliptic_curves_pkg}
    %__python2 ./spkg-install

pushd spkg/build/extcode-%{version}
    mkdir -p $SAGE_EXTCODE
    for dir in 			\
	gap			\
	genus2reduction		\
	gnuplot			\
	images			\
	kash			\
	macaulay2		\
	magma			\
	maple			\
	matlab			\
	mathematica		\
	maxima			\
	MuPAD			\
	mwrank			\
	octave			\
	scilab			\
	singular		\
	sobj; do
	COUNT=`find $dir -type f | wc -l `
	if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then
	    cp -far $dir $SAGE_EXTCODE
	cp -far pari $SAGE_EXTCODE
    cp -fa %{SOURCE1} $SAGE_EXTCODE/pari

pushd spkg/build/%{graphs_pkg}
    mkdir -p $SAGE_SHARE/graphs
    cp -fa src/* $SAGE_SHARE/graphs

pushd spkg/build/%{polytopes_db_pkg}
    mkdir -p $SAGE_SHARE/reflexive_polytopes
    cp -fa src/* $SAGE_SHARE/reflexive_polytopes

pushd spkg/build/%{sagetex_pkg}/src
    python install --root=%{buildroot} --install-purelib=%{python_sitearch}
    install -p -m 0644 -D %{SOURCE2} \
    mv %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/{sagetex,%{sagetex_pkg}}
    mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex/CONTRIBUTORS \
    for file in PKG-INFO README; do
	install -p -m 0644 $file %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{sagetex_pkg}/$file

cat > %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sage << EOF

export CUR=\`pwd\`
##export DOT_SAGE="\$HOME/.sage"
mkdir -p \$DOT_SAGE/{maxima,sympow,tmp}
##export SAGE_DOC="$SAGE_DOC"
module load 4ti2-%{_arch}
%if %{have_lrcalc}
module load lrcalc-%{_arch}
module load surf-geometry-%{_arch}
export PATH=$SAGE_LOCAL/bin:\$PATH
export SINGULARPATH=%{_libdir}/Singular/LIB
export SINGULAR_BIN_DIR=%{_libdir}/Singular
export SAGE_CBLAS=cblas
export SAGE_FORTRAN=%{_bindir}/gfortran
export SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB=\`gfortran\`
export SYMPOW_DIR="\$DOT_SAGE/sympow"
export SAGE_BROWSER=firefox
MALLOC_CHECK_=1 $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage "\$@"
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sage

%if %{with_sage3d}
cat > %{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}/bin/sage3d << EOF

java -classpath %{SAGE_DEVEL}/sage/sagenb/data/sage3d/lib/sage3d.jar:%{_javadir}/j3dcore.jar:%{_javadir}/vecmath.jar:%{_javadir}/j3dutils.jar org.sagemath.sage3d.ObjectViewerApp "\$1"
chmod +x %{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}/bin/sage3d

# adjust cython interface:
# o link with proper atlas
# o install csage headers
# o install .pxi and .pxd files
pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}
    # make atlas/blas available to compiled sources
    perl -pi -e								\
	's|^(extra_link_args =).*|$1 ["-L%{_libdir}/atlas"]|;'		\
    # make csage headers available
    mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/csage
    cp -fa c_lib/include/* %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/csage
    for f in `find sage \( -name \*.pxi -o -name \*.pxd -o -name \*.pyx \)`; do
	install -p -D -m 0644 $f %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/$f
    # need this or will not "find" the files in the directory, and
    # fail to link with gmp
    touch %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sage/libs/gmp/

%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
    cp -f $SAGE_PYTHONPATH/{ANSI,FSM,pexpect,pxssh,screen}.py %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}

# Build documentation, using %#{buildroot} environment
pushd spkg/build/sage-%{version}/doc
    export SAGE_DOC=`pwd`
    export PATH=%{buildroot}%{_bindir}:$SAGE_LOCAL/bin:$PATH
    export SINGULARPATH=%{_libdir}/Singular/LIB
    export SINGULAR_BIN_DIR=%{_libdir}/Singular
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{buildroot}%{_libdir}:%{_libdir}/atlas:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}:$SAGE_PYTHONPATH:$SAGE_DOC

%if %{with_sphinx_hack}
    cp -far %{python_sitelib}/sphinx %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}
    sed -i "s|\(source.startswith('>>>')\)|\1 or source.startswith('sage: ')|" \

    # there we go
    ln -sf %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC} $SAGE_ROOT/devel/doc
    python common/ all html
    export SAGE_DOC=%{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC}
    cp -far output $SAGE_DOC

    # should not be required and encodes buildroot
    rm -fr $SAGE_DOC/output/doctrees
    sed -e 's|%{buildroot}||g' -i $SAGE_DOC/output/html/en/reference/sage/misc/hg.html

%if %{with_check}
sage -testall --verbose || :
install -p -m644 $DOT_SAGE/tmp/test.log $SAGE_DOC/test.log
# remove buildroot references from test.log
sed -i 's|%{buildroot}||g' $SAGE_DOC/test.log

%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
    rm -f %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/{ANSI,FSM,pexpect,pxssh,screen}.py{,c}

%if %{with_sphinx_hack}
    rm -fr %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sphinx

# Script was used to build documentation 
perl -pi -e 's|%{buildroot}||g;s|^##||g;' %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/sage

# More wrong buildroot references
perl -pi -e 's|%{buildroot}||g;' \
	 -e "s|$PWD/spkg/build/sage-%{version}/doc|%{SAGE_DOC}|g;" \
    %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC}/output/html/en/reference/todolist.html \

# Fix links
rm -fr $SAGE_DEVEL/sage $SAGE_EXTCODE/sage $SAGE_ROOT/doc $SAGE_ROOT/devel/doc
ln -sf %{python_sitearch} $SAGE_DEVEL/sage
ln -sf %{python_sitearch} $SAGE_EXTCODE/sage
ln -sf %{SAGE_DOC} $SAGE_ROOT/doc
ln -sf %{SAGE_DOC} $SAGE_ROOT/devel/doc
ln -sf %{SAGE_SHARE} $SAGE_ROOT/share
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/site-packages

# Install menu and icons
pushd spkg/build/extcode-%{version}
    install -p -m644 -D notebook/images/icon32x32.png %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}.png
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop << EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A free open-source mathematics software system
desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop

# Fix permissions
find %{buildroot} -name '*.so' | xargs chmod 755
pushd %{buildroot}%{SAGE_LOCAL}/bin
    chmod 755 QuadraticSieve
    chmod 755 mcube dikcube cu2 size222 cubex optimal
for file in `find %{buildroot} -name \*.py`; do
    if head -1 $file | grep -q '^#!'; then
	chmod +x $file
chmod -x %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC}/en/prep/media/Rplot001.png

# Documentation is not rebuilt (also corrects rpmlint warning of hidden file)
find %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC} -name .buildinfo -exec rm {} \;
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC}/output/inventory
find %{buildroot}%{SAGE_DOC} -type d -name _sources | xargs rm -fr

rm %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/mathjax/.gitignore \

# remove bundles fonts
rm -r %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/mathjax/fonts

# remove .po files
rm %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.po

# remove zero length files
rm %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sage/server/notebook/compress/* \

%if !%{with_sage3d}
rm -r %{buildroot}%{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/sage3d

# last install command
rm -fr $DOT_SAGE

%post		core
exit 0

%postun		core
exit 0

# Use symlinks and a minor patch to the notebook to not bundle jmol
%post		notebook
ln -sf %{_javadir}/JmolApplet.jar %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol/
ln -sf %{_javadir}/vecmath.jar %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol/
exit 0

%postun		notebook
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
    rm -f %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol/JmolApplet.jar
    rm -f %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol/vecmath.jar
    rmdir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data/jmol &&
	rmdir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data &&
	    rmdir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb
exit 0

%post		sagetex
exit 0

%postun		sagetex
exit 0

# GPLv2+
%dir %{SAGE_ROOT}
%dir %{SAGE_LOCAL}
%dir %{SAGE_LOCAL}/bin
%dir %{SAGE_DEVEL}
%if %{with_sage_pexpect}
# GPLv2+

%files		core
# GPLv2+

%files		data
%dir %{SAGE_SHARE}

%files		data-conway_polynomials
# GPLv2+

%files		data-elliptic_curves
# GPLv2+

%files		data-extcode
# GPLv2+

%files		data-graphs
# GPLv2+

%files		data-polytopes_db
# GPL+

%files		devel
# GPLv2+

%files		doc
# GPLv2+
%dir %{SAGE_DOC}
%dir %{SAGE_DOC}/output
%dir %{SAGE_DOC}/output/html

%files		doc-de
# GPLv2+

%files		doc-en
# GPLv2+

%files		doc-fr
# GPLv2+

%files		doc-pt
# GPLv2+

%files		doc-ru
# GPLv2+

%files		doc-tr
# GPLv2+

%files		notebook
# GPLv2+
%dir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb
%dir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/data
# ASL 2.0
# LGPLv2+
# (MIT or GPLv2) and (MIT and BSD and GPL)
# (MIT or GPLv2) and (MIT and BSD and GPL)
# Public Domain
# ASL 2.0
# GPLv2+
%if %{with_sage3d}
# GPLv2+
# LGPLv2+
# LGPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
# GPLv2+
%dir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/testing
# ASL 2.0
# GPLv2+
%dir %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations
%lang(cs_CZ) %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations/cs_CZ
%lang(de_AT) %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations/de_AT
%lang(pt_BR) %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations/pt_BR
%lang(ru_RU) %{python_sitearch}/sagenb/translations/ru_RU

%files		rubiks
# GPL+
# GPL+

%files		sagetex
# GPLv2+
%doc %{_docdir}/%{sagetex_pkg}

* Mon May  6 2013 Jerry James <> - 5.8-9
- Rebuild for libfplll 4.0.3, m4ri and m4rie 20130416, and ntl 6.0.0
- Drop sagemath-unpatched_ntl.patch now that Fedora's NTL is patched
- Add sagemath-ntl6.patch to adapt to NTL 6
- Add sagemath-m4rie.patch to adapt to m4rie 20130416

* Sat Apr 27 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-8
- Add surf-geometry to path for proper Singular plotting
- Add workaround to an rpm scriptlet problem (#877651#89)

* Tue Apr 23 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-7
- Correct problem of package requiring a -devel file to work.

* Tue Apr 23 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-6
- Correct a remaining arch specific file (symlink) in noarch package.

* Mon Apr 22 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-5
- Do not build requires optional rpy in f18 due to it being broken in f18
- Correct koji sanity check finding arch specific file in noarch package
- Add patch to build with just upgraded cython in rawhide

* Mon Apr 22 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-4
- Remove noop icon cache regeneration scriplets (#877651#72)
- First Fedora 18 and Fedora 19 approved package

* Sun Apr 14 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-3
- Use proper license tag for non versioned GPL attribution (#877651#63)
- Remove no longer required workarounds for clean upgrades (#877651#63)

* Fri Apr 12 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-2
- Properly describe the license breakdown in the spec (#877651#60)
- Correct lrslib requires to lrslib-utils (#877651#60)
- Remove zero length files (#877651#60)
- Correct png file with executable permission (#877651#60)
- Avoid rpmlint warning in rubiks subpackage description (#877651#60)

* Tue Mar 19 2013 pcpa <> - 5.8-1
- Update to sagemath 5.8.
- Do full cleanup of notebook package on uninstall.
- Remove with_sage_cython build conditional.
- Remove with_sage_networkx build conditional.
- Add nopari2.6 patch to not rely on not yet available interfaces.
- Add cryptominisat patch to build package in f18.

* Sat Mar 16 2013 pcpa <> - 5.7-3
- Create jmol symbolic links in post and remove in postun.
- Disable libgap by default as it does not work with rawhide gap.
- Also add python-ipython to build requires to regenerate documentation.

* Wed Mar  6 2013 pcpa <> - 5.7-2
- Add missing python-ipython requires (#877651#52)
- Enable libgap build in packager debug build (#877651#52)

* Fri Feb 22 2013 pcpa <> - 5.7-1
- Update to sagemath 5.7.
- Add conditional patch for libgap.
- Add conditional patch for fes.
- Remove with_sage_ipython conditional.
- Add patch to create a libcsage with a soname.

* Mon Feb 18 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-6
- Rebuild with latest rawhide and f18 updates
- Make sagemath-notebook owner of its base data directory
- Explicitly mark notebook translations as %%lang (#877651#c46)
- Remove sage3d as it is not functional in the rpm package (#877651#c46)
- Remove reference to buildroot in debuginfo

* Fri Feb 15 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-5
- Export CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS (#877651#c45)
- Make sagemath-data owner of SAGE_SHARE (#877651#c45)
- Relocate SAGE_DOC and make sagemath-doc packages noarch (#877651#c45)
- Relocate SAGE_SHARE and make sagemath-data packages noarch (#877651#c45)
- Remove sagenb binary egg bundled in tarball (#877651#c45)
- Update license tag due to unlisted Apache v2 license (#877651#c45)
- Break down licenses in files listing (#877651#c45)
- Add post scriplets to handle the installed icon (#877651#c45)
- Do not install empty directories in SAGE_EXTCODE (#877651#c45)
- Do not install bundled mathjax fonts (#877651#c45)
- Add a descriptive comment to patches without one (#877651#c45)
- Correct mispelled donwload_tarball macro name (#877651#c45)
- Remove reference to buildroot in prep (#877651#c45)
- Simplify coin-or-Cbc build requires as it has proper dependencies

* Sun Feb 10 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-4
- Correct "canonicalization unexpectedly shrank by one character" error.
- Add packager_debug macro for conditional package debug mode build.
- Add donwload_tarball macro to avoid fedora-review donwloading it every run.

* Sat Feb  9 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-3
- Add cryptominisat-devel to build requires.
- Add conditional build for lrcalc (fedora review rhbz #909510)
- Add conditional build for coin-or-CoinUtils (fedora review rhbz #894585)
- Add conditional build for coin-or-Osi (fedora review rhbz #894586)
- Add conditional build for coin-or-Clp (fedora review rhbz #894587)
- Add conditional build for coin-or-Cgl (fedora review rhbz #894588)
- Add conditional build for coin-or-Cbc (fedora review rhbz #894597)
- Rebuild with latest rawhide and f18 dependency updates.

* Mon Jan 28 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-2
- Rebuild with latest rawhide and f18 updates.

* Fri Jan 25 2013 pcpa <> - 5.6-1
- Update to sagemath 5.6.
- Remove no longer required patch to build with system cython.

* Sat Jan 19 2013 pcpa <> - 5.5-3
- Rediff rpmbuild patch to address some underlinked modules.
- Make gap-sonata a mandatory requires.
- Add cremona patch to adjust logic as only cremona mini is built.
- Add lrslib patch to know lrslib is available.
- Add nauty patch and comment about reason it cannot be made available.
- Add gap-hap patch for better description of missing gap hap package.

* Fri Jan 04 2013 pcpa <> - 5.5-2
- Add cython to build requires (#877651#c28).

* Sat Dec 29 2012 pcpa <> - 5.5-1
- Update to sagemath 5.5.
- Add maxima.system patch to work with maxima 5.29.1 package.

* Fri Dec 14 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.1-5
- Build with system cython by default on fedora 18 or newer (#877651).

* Fri Dec 14 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.1-4
- The fplll patch is also required to build in f18.
- Add factory include to plural.pyx build.

* Wed Dec 05 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.1-3
- Revert requires python-matplotlib-tk as it was a python-matplotlib bug.
- Add stix-fonts requires.

* Sat Dec 01 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.1-2
- Change back to install .c and .h files in bundled cython.
- Make symlink of gmp-ecm to $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/ecm.
- Add SAGE_LOCAL/bin to python path so that "sage -gdb" works.
- Require python-matplotlib-tk to avoid possible import error in doctests.

* Fri Nov 30 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.1-1
- Update to sagemath 5.4.1.

* Tue Nov 20 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4-2
- Do not install alternate cygdb in %%_bindir
- Create the sagemath-core subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-en subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-de subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-fr subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-pt subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-ru subpackage
- Create the sagemath-doc-tr subpackage
- Create the sagemath-data metapackage
- Create the sagemath-data-conway_polynomials subpackage
- Create the sagemath-data-elliptic_curves subpackage
- Create the sagemath-data-extcode subpackage
- Do not install pickle_jar extcode contents
- Do not install notebook extcode contents
- Create the sagemath-data-graphs subpackage
- Create the sagemath-data-polytopes_db subpackage
- Create the sagemath-notebook subpackage
- Create the sagemath-rubiks subpackage
- Create the sagemath-sagetex subpackage

* Mon Nov 12 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4-1
- Update to sagemath 5.4.
- Build with system networkx.
- Install only one fallback icon.
- Prevent rpm from providing private shared object.
- Change base directory to %%{_libdir} to avoid rpmlint errors.
- Correct permissions of installed shared objects.
- Rename most patches to use %%{name} prefix as "suggested" by fedora-review.
- Remove bundled jar files before %%build.
- Make cube solvers build optional and disabled by default.
- Add option to run "sage -testall" during package build.

* Sat Nov 10 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.beta1-4
- Add patch to make jmol export image functional
- Update pari patch to use proper path to gprc.expect
- Force usage of firefox in notebook (known to work are firefox and chromium)

* Fri Oct 26 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.beta1-3
- Add support for releases with libmpc 0.9.

* Wed Oct 24 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.beta1-2
- Add Portuguese translations of Tutorial and A Tour of Sage

* Sat Oct 20 2012 pcpa <> - 5.4.beta1-1
- Update to sagemath 5.4.beta1
- Removed already applied upstream linbox upgrade patch
- Removed already applied upstream givaro upgrade patch
- Removed already applied upstream singular upgrade patch
- Install rubiks spkg binaries

* Wed Sep 12 2012 pcpa <> - 5.3-1
- Update to sagemath 5.3.
- Remove version from patches name.
- Drop m4ri patch already applied to upstream.

* Fri Sep 7 2012 pcpa <> - 5.2-2
- Add sphinx workaround to have editable tutorial forms (#839321)
- Make interactive 3d plots using jmol applet functional (#837166)
- Use system genus2reduction
- Add workaround to mp_set_memory_functions call from pari library

* Sat Aug 4 2012 pcpa <> - 5.2-1
- Update to sagemath 5.2.

* Sun Jul 1 2012 pcpa <> - 5.0.1-1
- Initial sagemath spec.