Blob Blame History Raw
    o Linux Standard Base SGML & XML adherence -- DocBook packages
      which adhere to the LSB addendum concerning SGML & XML are now
      included.  This means that catalog files are now located in a
      different place than they were in previous releases.

      There is now a super catalog, /etc/sgml/catalog, which contains
      entries for a number of centralised catalogs, in /etc/sgml.  The
      centralised catalogs contain entries for DTD-specific files,
      which are located in subdirectories in /usr/share/sgml (instead
      of /usr/lib/sgml as in previous releases).

      The utility names for converting DocBook documents to other
      formats are now named (for example) docbook2ps instead of db2ps;
      the old names are provided for compatibility with previous
      releases, but may be removed at a future date.