Blob Blame History Raw
%global libname SharpZipLib

%global commit0 e01215507cf25a5978a0bd850c9e67dbabf515b7
%global date    20150714

# mono is without any packagable debuginfo
%global debug_package %{nil}

%bcond_with brokentests

Name:           sharpziplib
# ReadMe.rtf says version 0.85.5 but version 0.86.0 (2010/05/25) is mentioned on homepage,
# latest upstream release as tarball is
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library

# - as stated on the homepage, license is aka GNU Classpath exception:
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission
# to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless
# of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the
# resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for
# each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. 
# - some files are licensed explicitly with BSD:
# + samples/cs/CreateZipFile/Main.cs
# + samples/cs/FastZip/Main.cs
# + samples/cs/minibzip2/Main.cs
# + samples/cs/minigzip/Main.cs
# + samples/cs/sz/sz.cs
# + samples/cs/tar/Main.cs
# + samples/cs/unzipfile/UnZipFile.cs
# + samples/cs/zipfiletest/ZipFileTest.cs
# + samples/vb/CreateZipFile/MainForm.vb
# + samples/vb/minibzip2/Main.vb
# + samples/vb/viewzipfile/Main.vb
# - samples/HttpCompressionModule is licensed as zlib/libpng (=zlib)
License:        GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and zlib
URL:  {libname}

ExclusiveArch:  %{mono_arches}
BuildRequires:  nant
BuildRequires:  mono-devel
BuildRequires:  unrtf
# enforce nunit version cause of the versioned binary
BuildRequires:  nunit = 2.6.4

# fix ownership of mono folders
Requires:       mono-core

SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library
written entirely in C# . It is implemented as an assembly (installable
in the GAC), and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects.

%package devel
Summary:        Development files for %{name}
Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description devel

%package doc
Summary:        Documentation files for %{libname}
BuildArch:      noarch
# need main package for samples and tests to work properly
Suggests:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description doc
Samples and %{summary}.

%setup -qn%{libname}-%{commit0}
# remove useless stuff
find samples -name Web\ References -print0 |xargs -0 rm -r
# W: wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding
#files=`find doc samples tests -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*(txt|build|csproj)'`
files=`find doc -name \*.txt ; find samples tests -exec file '{}' \; |grep text |sed -r 's,(.*):.*,\1,'`
sed -i 's,\r,,' $files

pushd tests
# tell where to find nunit
sed -i -e /ProgramFiles/d -e 's,${nunit.dir}/bin,%{_monodir}/nunit,'
# disable sloppy tests (lazy or fail)
sed -i -r 's,.*Performance,[Category("Long Running")] \0,' BZip2/Bzip2Tests.cs
%if %{with brokentests}
sed -i -r 's,public void ZeroLengthInputStream\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' GZip/GZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void LongNames\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Tar/TarTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void ReadingOfLockedDataFiles\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void BasicDirectories\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void BasicFiles\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void Replacement\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void ReplacementChecking\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void CreatedValues\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs
sed -i -r 's,public void FilenameCleaning\(,[Ignore("broken")] \0,' Zip/ZipTests.cs

# FIXME adjust target when upstream moves to mono 4
nant -v+ build-mono-2.0

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_monogacdir} %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
gacutil -i bin/*.dll -f -package %{name} -root %{buildroot}/usr/lib
cp -p %{name}.pc %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/pkgconfig
unrtf --text doc/ReadMe.rtf >doc/ReadMe.txt

pushd tests
nant -v+ build
export TEMP=.
nunit-console26 -labels -exclude:"Long Running" \
%if %{without brokentests}
 -stoponerror \
nant -v+ clean
rm -r bin

%license doc/COPYING.txt
# usage of wildcards cause of weird dll name
%dir %{_monodir}/%{name}

%files devel

%files doc
%license doc/COPYING.txt
%doc doc/specification/
%doc doc/*.txt
%doc samples/ tests/

* Thu Apr 21 2016 Raphael Groner <> -
- adjust version

* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.86.0-0.6
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Dec 17 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.86.0-0.5
- split devel subpackage

* Fri Nov 13 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.86.0-0.4
- improve licence breakdown

* Thu Nov 12 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.86.0-0.3
- revert usage of gone nunit-runner
- fix folders ownership

* Mon Nov 09 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.86.0-0.2
- improve License tag
- fix directory ownership

* Sun Nov 08 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.86.0-0.1
- add Suggests to doc subpackage
- adjust Version tag
- shorten Summary text
- use nunit-runner cause now a separate package

* Thu Oct 08 2015 Raphael Groner <> - 0.85.5-0.1
- initial