Some useful information about smokeping as packaged by Fedora ------------------------------------------------------------- To use the package ------------------ o Define you targets in /etc/smokeping/config [ There are some examples defined all ready, more examples in /usr/share/doc/smokeping-2.6.7/config.* More docs are available as man pages, to list them try: $ rpm -ql smokeping | grep /usr/share/man | less ] o Start the smokeping daemon: $ service smokeping start $ service smokeping enable o Start Apache httpd webserver: $ service httpd start $ service smokeping enable o smokeping in it's full glory is now serving you at the following address: http://localhost/smokeping/sm.cgi Please visit with your browser of choice. You might have to wait some time until the daemon has got some data to see something useful If you want to access smokeping from a remote host, please edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/smokeping.conf Caveats ------- Default config is to enable Fast CGI support. Please edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/smokeping.conf to switch to plain cgi. SELinux ------- If your system are using SELinux, smokeping will not work, unless you execute the following commands: $ chcon -v -R --type=httpd_sys_script_exec_t /usr/share/smokeping/smokeping{_cgi,fcgi} $ chcon -v -R --type=httpd_sys_content_t /var/lib/smokeping/ These rules (and then some?) may be needed too: module smokeudpsocket 1.0; require { type httpd_sys_script_t; class udp_socket connect; } #============= httpd_sys_script_t ============== allow httpd_sys_script_t self:udp_socket connect; Need for additional perl modules -------------------------------- The TacacsPlus, Radius, SSH probes needs the Authen::Tacas and/or Authen::Radius, Net:OpenSSH CPAN modules, in order to use these probes, please install these modules. Smoketrace ---------- Smoketrace is not part of smokeping package any longer. Happy pinging!