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# vdr-remote friendly udev rules

# Set group for things that look like event devices of remote controls, and
# point the /dev/input/ir symlink to (some) one of them.  This may be enough
# if a remote control matches, and there is only one of them.

SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="*DVB*|*dvb*|*saa7146*|X10 Wireless Technology Inc USB Receiver", KERNEL!="mouse*", SYMLINK+="input/ir"

# On the other hand, if there are multiple matching devices, /dev/input/ir may
# not always end up pointing to the desired one, so here are some examples that
# add an additional /dev/input/event-remote symlink for a specific device.
# Combine with "-i /dev/input/event-remote" in PLUGIN_OPTIONS in
# /etc/sysconfig/vdr-plugins.d/remote.conf.

# On-card receivers on various Hauppauge/Technotrend DVB cards:
#SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="DVB on-card IR receiver", SYMLINK+="input/event-remote"

# On-card receivers on some Hauppauge Nova-T DVB cards:
#SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="cx88 IR (Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T", SYMLINK+="input/event-remote"

# ATI remote wonder and friends:
#SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{name}=="X10 Wireless Technology Inc USB Receiver", KERNEL!="mouse*", SYMLINK+="input/event-remote"