Blob Blame History Raw
%define pkgname xbitmaps
# FIXME: Upstream version of xfs tarball is 0.99.0, which would require
# us to add an "Epoch: 1" to this package in order for rpm to upgrade from
# the FC4 (and earlier) monolithic xorg-x11-xfs-6.8.x rpm package.  Since
# it is currently unknown what the final upstream tarball version is likely
# to be called, I am avoiding adding Epoch, and instead using a 6.99.99.x
# version number for the time being.  This allows us to make sure xfs will
# upgrade from older releases to the new release, allows us to avoid adding
# an Epoch tag possibly unnecessarily - as Epoch is permanent and very evil.
# If upstream later names it "xfs-7.0", then we bump the version to that,
# and everything just works.
%define upstreamversion 0.99.0

# FIXME: The X11 bitmaps are used at both compile time and runtime if I am
# not completely mistaken.  Either way, they are architecture independant
# data, and should be stored in /usr/share/X11/bitmaps instead of under
# /usr/include.  I'm leaving it as is for now, but this should be changed
# before X11R7.  -- mharris
#define _x11bitmapdir %{_datadir}
%define _x11bitmapdir %{_includedir}

Summary: X.Org X11 application bitmaps
Name: xorg-x11-%{pkgname}
Version: 0.99.0
Release: 1
License: MIT/X11
Group: User Interface/X
#Source0: %{pkgname}-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot

# checking TWM_LIBS... -lXmu -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXext -lX11 -ldl
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libX11-devel
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libXt-devel
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libXmu-devel
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libSM-devel
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libICE-devel
#BuildRequires: xorg-x11-libXext-devel

# FIXME: monolithic twm packaging has a hard dep on xterm, which might still
# be required.  We'll have to examine the twm configuration files.
#Requires: xterm
Provides: %{pkgname}
Provides: %{pkgname}-devel
# FIXME: Ask on mailing list wether this virtual provide is remotely
# useful or not.  It was present in the monolithic twm packaging.
#Provides: windowmanager
#Obsoletes: XFree86-twm
# NOTE: The twm.1 manpage was moved from the XFree86 package to the twm
# package to fix bug #70025 on July 29 2002.  This must remain here as
# long as we support upgrading from OS releases that contained a version
# of XFree86 less than that indicated, both for the RHEL case, RHL case,
# and Fedora Core case. - Mike A. Harris<>
#Conflicts: XFree86 <= 4.2.0-57.1

X.Org X11 application bitmaps

%setup -q -c %{name}-%{version}

# Build xbitmaps
   pushd %{pkgname}-%{upstreamversion}

   pushd %{pkgname}-%{upstreamversion}
# FIXME: Upstream installs the bitmaps into /usr/include by default, however
# they are used both at compiletime via #include, as well as at runtime by
# other apps.  Being pedantically correct, it makes sense to install them
# into the FHS sanctioned /usr/share heirarchy instead for runtime arch
# independent data.  Then provide a symlink from /usr/include to the
# runtime dir for apps to link to.  Since this is too much overhead for
# a separate devel subpackage, I've added a virtual Provide above so this
# package provides both.  This should be fixed upstream IMHO to use
# /usr/share by default.
   mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11
   mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/bitmaps $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/X11/
   ln -sf ../../..%{_datadir}/X11/bitmaps $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/

%dir %{_datadir}
%dir %{_datadir}/X11
%dir %{_datadir}/X11/bitmaps
# Symlink for devel linking
%dir %{_libdir}/pkgconfig

* Fri Aug 26 2005 Mike A. Harris <> 0.99.0-1
- Initial build.