Blob Blame History Raw
%global forgeurl
%global tag %{version}-0ubuntu2

Name:       yaru-theme
Version:    23.10.0
Release:    %autorelease
Summary:    Ubuntu community theme "yaru"
BuildArch:  noarch

License:    GPLv3+ and CC-BY-SA
Source0:    %{forgesource}

BuildRequires: meson >= 0.59
BuildRequires: sassc
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(appstream-glib)

Requires:   gnome-shell-theme-yaru = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-gtk2-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-gtk3-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-gtk4-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-gtksourceview-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-icon-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:   yaru-sound-theme = %{version}-%{release}

%global _description %{expand:
Yaru is the default theme for Ubuntu, backed by the community.

It contains:
  * a GNOME Shell theme based on the upstream GNOME shell theme
  * a light and dark GTK theme (gtk2 and gtk3) based on the upstream Adwaita
    Gtk theme
  * an icon & cursor theme, derived from the Unity8 Suru icons and Suru icon
  * a sound theme, combining sounds from the WoodenBeaver and Touch-Remix
    sound themes.}

%description %{_description}

%package     -n gnome-shell-theme-yaru
Summary:        Yaru GNOME Shell Theme

Requires:       gnome-shell-extension-user-theme

Recommends:     yaru-gtk3-theme
Recommends:     yaru-icon-theme

Suggests:       yaru-sound-theme
Suggests:       yaru-theme

%description -n gnome-shell-theme-yaru %{_description}

This package contains GNOME Shell Theme.

%package     -n yaru-gtk2-theme
Summary:        GTK+ 2 support for the Yaru GTK Theme

Requires:       adwaita-gtk2-theme
Requires:       gtk-murrine-engine

Recommends:     yaru-gtk3-theme

%description -n yaru-gtk2-theme %{_description}

This package contains GTK+ 2 theme.

%package     -n yaru-gtk3-theme
Summary:        GTK+ 3 support for the Yaru GTK Theme

Requires:       gtk3

Recommends:     yaru-gtk2-theme
Recommends:     yaru-gtk4-theme

%description -n yaru-gtk3-theme %{_description}

This package contains GTK+ 3 theme.

%package     -n yaru-gtk4-theme
Summary:        GTK+ 3 support for the Yaru GTK Theme

Requires:       gtk4

Recommends:     yaru-gtk2-theme
Recommends:     yaru-gtk3-theme

%description -n yaru-gtk4-theme %{_description}

This package contains GTK 4 theme.

%package     -n yaru-icon-theme
Summary:        Yaru icon theme
License:        CC-BY-SA

Requires:       hicolor-icon-theme

Suggests:       gnome-shell-theme-yaru
Suggests:       yaru-gtk3-theme
Suggests:       yaru-sound-theme

%description -n yaru-icon-theme %{_description}

This package contains the icon theme.

%package     -n yaru-sound-theme
Summary:        Yaru sound theme
License:        CC-BY-SA

%description -n yaru-sound-theme %{_description}

This package contains the sound theme following the XDG theming specification.

%package     -n yaru-gtksourceview-theme
Summary:        Yaru GtkSourceView theme
License:        CC-BY-SA

%description -n yaru-gtksourceview-theme %{_description}

This package contains the GtkSourceView theme.

%forgeautosetup -p1



rm  %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas/99_Yaru.gschema.override \
    %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions/Yaru-xorg.desktop \
    %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/wayland-sessions/Yaru.desktop \

touch %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/Yaru/icon-theme.cache

%transfiletriggerin -- %{_datadir}/icons/Yaru
gtk-update-icon-cache --force %{_datadir}/icons/Yaru &>/dev/null || :

# Workaround for replace directory with symlink which was added in Yaru
# *
%pretrans -p <lua> -n gnome-shell-theme-yaru
path = "%{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark/gnome-shell"
st = posix.stat(path)
if st and st.type == "directory" then
  status = os.rename(path, path .. ".rpmmoved")
  if not status then
    suffix = 0
    while not status do
      suffix = suffix + 1
      status = os.rename(path .. ".rpmmoved", path .. ".rpmmoved." .. suffix)
    os.rename(path, path .. ".rpmmoved")

%license %{_license}

%files -n gnome-shell-theme-yaru
%license %{_license}
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-bark-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-bark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-blue-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-blue
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-magenta-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-magenta
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-olive-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-olive
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-prussiangreen-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-prussiangreen
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-purple-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-purple
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-red-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-red
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-sage-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-sage
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-viridian-dark
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-viridian
%ghost %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark/gnome-shell.rpmmoved/

%files -n yaru-gtk2-theme
%license %{_license}
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark

%files -n yaru-gtk3-theme
%license %{_license}
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark

%files -n yaru-gtk4-theme
%license %{_license}
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru
%dir %{_datadir}/themes/Yaru-dark

%files -n yaru-icon-theme
%license %{_license}
%ghost %{_datadir}/icons/Yaru/icon-theme.cache

%files -n yaru-sound-theme
%license %{_license}

%files -n yaru-gtksourceview-theme
%license %{_license}
