Blob Blame History Raw
--- yum/	2008-03-04 16:21:49.000000000 -0500
+++ yum/	2008-03-04 16:21:49.000000000 -0500
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
     commands = ListOption()
     exclude = ListOption()
-    failovermethod = Option('roundrobin')
+    failovermethod = Option('priority')
     proxy = UrlOption(schemes=('http', 'ftp', 'https'), allow_none=True)
     proxy_username = Option()
     proxy_password = Option()
--- docs/yum.conf.5~	2008-03-04 16:29:48.000000000 -0500
+++ docs/yum.conf.5	2008-03-04 16:29:48.000000000 -0500
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
 `priority' starts from the first baseurl listed and reads through them
-\fBfailovermethod\fR defaults to `roundrobin' if not specified.
+\fBfailovermethod\fR defaults to `priority' if not specified.
 .IP \fBkeepalive\fR
 Either `1' or `0'. This tells yum whether or not HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be