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Patch by Robert Scheck <> for zarafa >= 7.1.10 which really (!) adds support for
MariaDB. In theory, Zarafa 7.1.10 supports MariaDB, see for some
upstream details. However it poorly fails if really trying it with e.g. MariaDB 5.5.38:

Jul 10 23:40:40 tux zarafa-server[24633]: SQL [00000002] result failed: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`zarafa`.`properties`.`tag` - 0x8501)', Query: "SELECT 0,properties.tag,properties.type,properties.val_ulong,properties.val_string,properties.val_binary,properties.val_double,properties.val_longint,properties.val_hi,properties.val_lo, hierarchyid, names.nameid, names.namestring, names.guid FROM properties FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) LEFT JOIN names ON (properties.tag-0x8501) WHERE hierarchyid=3 AND (tag <= 0x8500 OR IS NOT NULL)"
Jul 10 23:40:40 tux zarafa-server[24633]: SQL [00000004] result failed: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`zarafa`.`properties`.`tag` - 0x8501)', Query: "SELECT 0,properties.tag,properties.type,properties.val_ulong,properties.val_string,properties.val_binary,properties.val_double,properties.val_longint,properties.val_hi,properties.val_lo, hierarchyid, names.nameid, names.namestring, names.guid FROM properties FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) LEFT JOIN names ON (properties.tag-0x8501) WHERE hierarchyid=4 AND (tag <= 0x8500 OR IS NOT NULL)"
Jul 10 23:40:40 tux zarafa-server[24633]: SQL [00000006] result failed: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`zarafa`.`properties`.`tag` - 0x8501)', Query: "SELECT 0,properties.tag,properties.type,properties.val_ulong,properties.val_string,properties.val_binary,properties.val_double,properties.val_longint,properties.val_hi,properties.val_lo, hierarchyid, names.nameid, names.namestring, names.guid FROM properties FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY) LEFT JOIN names ON (properties.tag-0x8501) WHERE hierarchyid=4 AND (tag <= 0x8500 OR IS NOT NULL)"

Even this might not be a clean solution it at least makes Zarafa usable with MariaDB - which is important
nowadays as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 7 are only shipping MariaDB by default rather MySQL.

--- zarafa-7.1.10/provider/libserver/ECDatabaseMySQL.cpp		2014-05-23 15:56:38.000000000 +0200
+++ zarafa-7.1.10/provider/libserver/ECDatabaseMySQL.cpp.mariadb	2014-07-10 23:44:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
 	if (m_lpMySQL.server_version && m_lpMySQL.server_version[0] >= '5') {
 		// this option was introduced in mysql 5.0, so let's not even try on 4.1 servers
-		strQuery = "SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'";
 		Query(strQuery); // ignore error