
This repository contains the .fmf test files referenced by packages that are tested by javapackages-validator tool.


The version scheme is based on Fedora versions (f<NUM>). Changes made to a single branch must be backwards compatible or fix a bug. Breaking changes can be made to a branch that corresponds to the Rawhide branch at the time of submission. Packages then explicitly update their git reference and new versions of the package will be tested with the new tests.

This approach ensures that changes to old versions of packages will not be tested with possibly incompatible tests.


If you wish to fork this project and add your own tests, you should follow these steps:

  1. Add a source directory (e.g. src) with your own validators.
  2. Add a text service file named org.fedoraproject.javapackages.validator.Validator into the same directory. This file contains fully-qualified class names of validators which you want to use, one name per line.

Javapackages-validator will run all the validators listed in the service file, unless they have been explicitly filtered using per-package configuration. This is explained in the project documentation.